October Examination Updates

Dear Candidates The examinations for October are complete. Examiners are busy  marking and we are anticpating to release the results by the first week of December 2023. The RMC  results will unfortunately be released the second week of January 2024. The postponed MEC...

How can I book for my exam?

Once registered and logged in on your profile, hover over “Offerings” and select “Exam Bookings” From the Exam Bookings page, search for the exam you would like to make a booking for, then click on the “Book Now” button From the new Exam booking selected, select the...

Publication of the May 2022 Exam results

Please note that all CoMCert May 2022 Examination results will be released on the 31 of July 2022. How to check your results: Step 1:Register as a user on the website (if not already registered) Step 2:Go to user account to access the user dashboard Step 3:Click on...
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